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  • Writer's pictureSamantha R. Lord

Embracing New Gates

Updated: Sep 28, 2021

Photo by Heidi Nyland Melocco

How many of us are willing to admit that we might get a bit anxious when faced with something new? If we are honest, it's at least happened once, twice or daily in all of our lives...

Like looking for a new job or retirement in an economy that’s unlike anything you’ve seen before?

Or how to navigate this 'new normal' of a world that’s been turned upside-down?

Should I send my kids to school in-person or homeschool?

Should we get vaccinated or not; and does it really help?

Should we share life experiences on a website for others to possibly read? The daunting question in our minds; is it really helping someone or are we wasting our time?

Am I doing what God has called me to do in ministry or what I want/like to do?

Where do I belong in church? What Church do I belong to? Does God really want me to do ___________ (fill in the blank)?

Many of us pull back from the prospect of entering uncharted territory or we veer toward a different, more comfortable path.

And we’re not the only ones: even animals balk when confronted with something unfamiliar.

Cows are notorious for disliking disruptions and don't really enjoy stepping into new territory. They’re not fans of being directed toward new gates. They get uneasy, want to turn away, go in circles and rear up to avoid having to go through the entrance.

This trait is so well known that it’s given an actual phrase, “like a cow looking at a new gate.” It means to view something with uneasiness, maybe disbelief as though to say, “Are you serious? Yeah, right, you're crazy! I’m not going through that.” Um, sound familiar?

Do you feel this way when faced with the uncertainties and what life is serving you up on a platter right now? At times, we allow fear of the unknown to halt our potential dreams and prevent us from allowing our faith to guide us.

Fear has a way of paralyzing us, so that we stay stuck where we are instead of trying something new.

How many times does the Bible tell us to: Be not afraid? God will go through the gate ahead of us.

There’s a funny thing about cows and new gates: once the lead cow has gone through the gate, the rest of the cows will follow. They see that it’s okay, and they’re not scared anymore.

Our family has entered into some 'new gates' this year. Sharing personal stories about our lives isn't always easy, because we are striving to be transparent and live life with an intentional purpose to serve our Savior. To show that life isn't just perfect for this Christian family. In fact, it gets real muddy and we tend to feel like we are going down a slippery slope and rearing up on God because we just aren't real sure what is coming up next. Quite honestly, I don't want to step into certain new gates. It’s then that God has to yank on my lead rope to draw me near and sometimes just drag me through it.

Personally, I am on a journey of praying that God shows our family where we need to be in ministry and place of worship. A prayer that hurts and is hard to utter the words because I am afraid to a certain extent, He might say, "it's time to go and leave my comfortable place." A place I love with all my heart, have grown up in, people I love, people I have connected and worshipped with for years, been on the mountain tops with and waded through the valleys, fought through battles with, but yet a place I might have to depart from.

You see my husband has a very special calling from God and when I took his hand in marriage I promised to love him and support in all things. Not just the easy, comfortable situations in our life; but all of them. Frank has a special way with connecting and talking with people. Much like my Papaw Fred. That man would talk to anyone! Both of these special men in my life have similar faith back stories, super smart, love for reading and thirst of knowledge. I will sometimes ask my hubby a question because he can recall and provide such precise, specific examples of the Bible, and has an incredible understanding of God's word. Right now might be a time God is saying, "I have other plans and opportunities for you to work and touch more lives if you will just follow and trust me." Maybe letting go of one ministry opens up doors to be used by God in other ways and areas that we can't imagine at this time.

We come from different religious backgrounds and some said early on, "that will cause you issues." Issues, I'm not sure I would call it that, but it does keep our biblical talks, interpretations and ministry interesting!

Seventeen years ago if I had not opened up to this young man and opened my heart to 'trying a new relationship', that my (now) husband may not have been saved. I boldly accepted that challenge as we first started dating and remember us having some pretty heated conversations about God's word and His will for our lives.

As God works in our hearts, my prayer is that we look at this time in our lives as a new gate. Instead of us rearing up as we approach the gate and wondering what might happen or not; if we will just follow the great Leader, He has promised He will go with us all the way and never forsake us.

God doesn't send us out alone. He's not only with us navigating this journey, but He goes before us and has faced this whole journey before we have.

If you’re anxious about a situation at this time, be assured that God has gone ahead of you. You don’t have to venture out into the unknown alone: turn your heart toward prayer and strive to join up with our Heavenly Father, who is already present in the unexplored areas of your future. Our life lesson right now, is learning to release our anxieties about the future, or uncertain areas and 'new gates' in our life, in order to allow space to be created for God to reveal how He's working.

Follow the ultimate Leader into the new gate with full trust in Him and peace in your heart knowing He is there and will never forsake you no matter how uncomfortable the situation is or gets.

When life is spinning, pick your focal point!

~The Lord family

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