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  • Writer's pictureSamantha R. Lord

The Most Crucial 5 Minutes...

The past year while the kids went back to more "normal school days", I have grown to love and cherish our morning drop-off routine. Even amongst the chaos (yes, sometimes yelling & crying is involved) of trying to get everyone out the door to perform our 3 different drop-offs on time. Oh, and get to work on-time! On our drive to school, I have one of the greatest opportunities as a parent for 5-10 minutes to set the tone for my kids day. I get to pray out loud for my kids and pray over them.

Your kids really need you to pray for them. Not just an after thought, "Lord help them". They need you to call out on their behalf. Your prayers are probably the most powerful tool you will ever use to influence your kid's life. Let them physically hear you praying for them out loud and the situations going on in their lives and even the ones you may not know about.

I'm trying to pray first before trying to fix the situation. Trust me that is hard, I'm Mom and I'm their fixer...but not really, let's face it. I should be pointing and taking them to the One who can help them most!

When you're unsure how to parent them; pray, pray, pray!

Pray for their future spouse

Pray for their friends

Pray for their heart and salvation

Pray for their mouth and the words they speak (while you are not around)

Pray for their minds; mental health and what they think about, process and act upon

Pray for their convictions

Pray for their teachers

Pray for their health

Pray for their moods. I feel ya Middle and High School families. God be with us!

Pray for them when they are struggling with friends and relationships

This list could go on...

Pray over your ability and ask for guidance on how to respond in Godly love to their struggles. Try and remember to first pray and ask God to lead you in the path of guidance, coaching and correction. This is hard, but your kids need it (and so do you)!

I'm learning more and more that my kids really can do without many things in this life. They don't need the latest technology, newest toys, name brand clothing or best games. They need my presence. They need me to lead them spiritually and show them how to be a godly wife and mother. That presence is exemplified to them through our quality prayer time, even if only a few minutes each day before they rush out of the car. They know someone prayed for them! Kids can do without many things but they can't do without the prayers of their parents!

Parents/grandparents/legal guardians it's time to step up and get to praying (with your kids)! My prayer is this time will become a cherished moment like it has for our family. Some mornings we each say a prayer on our own, or recite the Lord's Prayer together or break out in song! Having a toddler and school age kids, our prayer time is a way to remind them I am specifically praying for them, I love them but most importantly, God knows and hears everything, even the prayers we can't whisper out loud.

Our prayer is this will encourage parents/grandparents/guardians to be intentional about praying with the kids in your life.

So, get to praying!

Prayers for you and your family,

~The Lord family

Additional Resources I recommend: "Let's Pray" with Holly Melton

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